Word of the Day: Carcass

OMG! (That’s IM-speak for ‘I am in deep doo-doo’). It’s December 2nd.

I’ve been so busy worrying about the dishwasher and wrestling with the turkey carcass turkey1that Black Friday and  CyberMonday completely passed me by.

This year we are going to try to cut back on giving Christmas presents and try to capture the true meaning of the holiday season.  That means that this year,  we will be giving the gift of disappointment. Instead of the drumset that Lewis was expecting – there will be socks. Instead of the digital camera that my daughter has requested, she’ll get something more practical.  Something cheaper.  My husband (who was raised in the Jewish faith and therefore has no childhood Christmas memories to try to recreate or mitigate) suggests that our family get together and volunteer in a soup kitchen on Christmas Day. Nice idea – but I don’t think it will fly with the teens in my house. Kinda like a turkey.  Which is in the kitchen and ready to be made into soup.

Here’s the recipe:

Dump two quarts of water into your largest pot. Remove skin and any significant meat from turkey carcass and cram into pot along  with: three stalks of celery, three peeled carrots, one large onion, a handful of fresh parsley, salt, pepper and any other spices you are partial to. I like tumeric in my broth because it gives it a nice warmth and color. I also squirt in a little ketchup – it makes everything tastier.

Cover the pot, turn the heat on high and then, once it starts to boil, simmer the carcass for about four to six hours.  Take out the carcass and major bones, strain the broth and refrigerate. When it’s cold, skim off the fat at the top of the pot, reheat the broth, season to taste, add sliced carrots, bits of leftover turkey meat and egg noodles.

This is the samsoupe recipe that they serve in homeless shelters around the country.

Bon appetite.

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